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I have had the honour and privilege of being involved in Lauren’s writing since her first book, ‘The Most Unlikely Adventures of Benjamin’. It has been a real pleasure to study and read her draft books.


Lauren loves research and always researches her writing. She goes over and above with her writing. In the book ‘Paddy’s War’, she went way over and above, identifying history with story for an incredible book about my grandfather.


I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to proofread all Lauren’s books. Her writing draws one into the story itself, and the reader becomes a part of the story. ‘Rebel’ is great story that does exactly that, it draws the reader into the story immediately; it is a very hard story to put down. It becomes a must have book.


Her commitment is to be admired. Lauren gives 110% to each story/book she has written. She goes over and above, giving her focus and full attention to her writing.

I am very fortunate to have been involved in her exciting journey.


I have and treasure a copy of each of Lauren’s books.

- Pauline Campbell -


Image of the book author Lauren Addison Mullens


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